Using social media to build relationships in B2B Finance – Inaugural Breakfast Byte in Singapore

April 2, 2015

Yesterday we were thrilled to co-host with Hootsuite our first breakfast event in Singapore, “Social Media for B2B Financial Services.” Our esteemed panel of social business experts discussed the important role that social media is starting to play in B2B financial services.

Over 60 communications specialists across financial services attended this session, eager to learn more about the trends and technology that are driving social adoption in financial services. The panel included – Simon Trilsbach, Vice President APAC at Hootsuite, Rob Findlay, SVP, Experience Design at DBS & Founder of Next Bank, Stephen Dale, General Manager, Singapore at Digimind and our very own Vivienne Hsu, Global Director of Social & Digital at Cognito.

Key points of discussion were:

  1. Social media is about having a human strategy, not a channel strategy.
  2. The risks of not getting utilizing social media and the benefits of early adoption.
  3. Social is the new e-mail. Companies need to start understanding the role social will have on future business relationships.
  4. How to keep up with new technology even when you suffer from social fatigue.
  5. Defining the business objectives is critical before selecting the key engagement platforms.
  6. The distinction between social and online is often blurred so it is important to understand the digital consumption patterns of your audience before deciding on platforms.
  7. Making a business case for social by establishing clear measurement indicators is essential for long-term success.
  8. Embracing digital transformation from the top of the organization is key for strategic and programme buy-in.
  9. Realising the difference between content curation and creation as part of a sucsessful content strategy.
  10. Social is a long-term investment, requiring commitment and consistant attention.

Some key tweets from the session: