To our clients during COVID-19

March 23, 2020

In the current crisis, Cognito is fully committed to deliver continuity in our client service across our global offices.  We do this, naturally, while mindful of government advice and instructions in all our local territories, and while conscious of the importance of the health and general wellbeing of our staff, and our clients and partners.

We believe our business continuity plan is working well, with our staff across the world very largely working from home.  We have always aimed to be flexible to the specific workflows of our clients, using the full range of virtual channels, and we are acutely conscious that our clients are also engaged in an unprecedented large-scale exercise in remote working.  We do not envisage disruption to our day-to-day working, and have a robust technology infrastructure in place. Your feedback on this is most welcome.

The marketing and communications environment is changing daily, and we aim to keep ourselves focused on delivering the best results and the best thinking for each client.  As many have said in recent days, such periods can lead to innovation, and we are encouraging everyone at Cognito to think creatively, to challenge assumptions and work collegiately.   

Given the potential length of the crisis period, we are investing in specific training, and in fostering a good culture of cross-team and cross-office working – to ensure we give each client excellent service, and to motivate and encourage our workforce.

Like every advisory firm, we love getting in front of clients to understand their issues and recommend strategies.  As we can’t do this face to face, our senior team are particularly keen to keep in close contact with clients – voice and visual communication will always have an edge over pure written communications.   We’ll keep in close touch, we know you’re busy and we’ll make sure we repay the time you give us.

If you have any questions about Cognito’s service and approach, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  Our best wishes go to you and your friends and families at this challenging time.

Tom is the founder and CEO of Cognito