Professional services and consulting

We advise professional services organizations and their leaders on how to build reputation, showcase skills and services and present a competitive advantage.


Professional services firms, from consultants to law firms, accountants, auditors and advisory services, operate in a highly regulated space with explicit requirements about how they discuss and sell their services. As specialist advisors ourselves, we understand how to communicate effectively and work with partner-led and advisory organizations.

Cognito builds relationships with important executives and partners who are the true drivers of the business. We create bespoke, tailored marketing and communications plans to reach the exact audience of your current and potential client base.

We leverage your expertise and people through thought leadership, breaking news stories and topical commentary to demonstrate industry success and build trust with all of your stakeholders.

Cognito has a proven track record of delivering exceptional value through PR and marketing for professional services firms – both as direct clients and through working together to advise other parties on transactions, crises and special situations.

Latest work and thinking

Emerging risks
Emerging risks: reputation matters in a volatile world
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Understanding and mitigating cyber risks: Strategies for protecting your business and employees
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Emerging risks
Emerging risks: reputation matters in a volatile world
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Law firm recovery: Invest in a good marketing and communications team
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The true power of PR in professional services
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​​Why I don’t think AI can run better paid social media campaigns than me… yet
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Case Study Link
Three ways for law firms to up their communications strategies
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Case Study Link
Cognito Selected by Thoughtworks as North America Agency of Record
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Case Study Link

Speak to one of our consultants

Emma Arora
Managing Director, Asia
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Felice Tobin
Managing Director, General Manager for Asia
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Hannah Polson
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Taylor Fenske
Senior Vice President
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Yvonne Maher
Managing Director
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Kai Klümper
Senior Consultant
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