Emerging risks: reputation matters in a volatile world

July 16, 2024

We live in a world in turmoil. New technology. Societal shifts. Economic chaos. The threats are numerous and growing – culture wars, AI, cyber-attacks, disinformation, geopolitical risks and climate transition.

These threats influence stakeholders, change news agendas, and amplify ideologies.

What is someone in corporate communications to do? Waiting for a return to “normalcy” isn’t an option.

We asked leaders in communications and finance to weigh in on organisations should react. You’ll hear from advisors from the United States, Asia-Pacifc and Europe, weighing in topics from recent elections in the EU to growing cyberattacks and the growing numbers of AI fakes.

Download to read about:

  • Key reputation risks
  • Impact of these risks on the organisations
  • Effective strategies for navigating complex stakeholder environments and overcoming reputational challenges

Cognito works with organisations of all sizes during moments of crisis and transition. Our global team of experts is available at [email protected].

Download the full report here: