Looking ahead to Innovate4Climate

May 17, 2023

I’m going to be going to be at Innovate4Climate (I4C) next week in Bilbao, the World Bank’s big global gathering on climate finance, climate investment and climate markets.

This is the first time it’s been held in person in four years. From talking to various clients and contacts in the climate finance space, people are expecting it to be a big moment in global coordination in delivering climate solutions across finance, markets, policy and technology.

Here’s what I’m excited about:

1. Multi-stakeholder engagement in action: the agenda is full of workshops and panels where governments, civil society, and the private sector are coming together to discuss the way forward on the voluntary carbon markets and the critical role of biodiversity and nature-based solutions. Given the criticism of carbon markets this year, and momentum around nature-based solutions and its important role in beyond value-chain mitigation, these discussions could be very influential in how communications strategies develop going forward.

2. Sector-specific transition plans: I see sessions ranging from financing the coal transition and real estate transformation on the agenda. These sessions will hopefully set clear messaging and examples that companies can apply to their own business transitions. 

3. Messaging around inclusivity and equitable transitions: a clear message from COP27 was the pressing concerns of developing economies, which have been most severely impacted by climate change. The Global North and the Global South are looking for ways to work together in a way that benefits all.  Developing nations need financial support, as they play a vital role in energy transitions and carbon market development.

A swift but equitable climate transition is critical, and gathering such as I4C provide the forum for breakthroughs and innovative thinking.

Charlie Morrow is the head of Cognito’s sustainablity practice and a director in London. Let him know if you would like to catch-up in Bilbao at [email protected].