cogcast: Keeping your rankings after Google’s Core Web Vitals update

November 13, 2020

Google has become such a common of way to find information that’s it now a verb. Research shows that even when consumers know the address or name of a particular company, they more often than not still Google in a search bar or browser to get there. This is even true in the detail-minded and technical financial industry.All of this is why Google’s forthcoming update in how it calculates search results is so important. For the first time Google will be taking into account Core Web Vitals, which mean the performance of your website can impact how high it shows up in results. 

To help understand the change and how to prepare we gathered Cognito director James Hannaford in London and senior account manager Jade Bestley in New York for a conversation we’re calling a CogCast. You can listen to the full episode below. It’s also available by searching CogCast through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer or Google Podcasts. You can also directly subscribe to our podcast feed here. And if this sounds like something you’d be interested in discussing for your business, please get in touch