Launching VCMI’s Claims Code of Practice

June 29, 2023

Cognito yesterday supported the global launch of the Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative’s (VCMI) Claims Code of Practice.

VCMI’s Claims Code is a critically important rulebook that will build confidence among corporate buyers of carbon credits in how they use these instruments as part of credible climate action. Only when used with integrity can voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) accelerate climate mitigation and capital flows to emerging economies and contribute meaningfully to the Paris Agreement goals and the UN SDGs.

The Claims Code fills a gap in guidance for companies in a market frequented by discourse and criticism – giving companies clarity by providing them with a rulebook for high integrity voluntary use of carbon credits and associated claims on the pathway to net-zero.

We are thrilled to have played a small role in such a significant project. Communicating around the big issues society faces today is why many of us do what we do each day. Huge congratulations to the team at VCMI and all others involved in the development of the Claims Code.

Charlie Morrow is a director in London and Cognito’s Global Head of Sustainability Communications