5 Tips to Consider When Pitching to Finance Publications

July 19, 2017

As a communications firm that caters to the financial and FinTech industries, it is important that the stories we craft and the relationships we build are uniquely catered to finance. Simply put, pitching and outreach to financial publications is different from working with other industries.

We recently attended a PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) event with a few colleagues where we gained insight on the needs of financial publications. Journalists from CNBC, Time, Broke Millennial, and The Financial Diet gave insight on what they like to see – and their biggest pet peeves – in a pitch.

Here are five tips to consider when pitching financial publications:


Email the right person

You could have the most beautiful pitch and engaging subject line but if you email the wrong person, all of that hard work will go to waste. Contributors and freelancers can be your best friends; they likely have a daily quota to meet and are looking for stories. Bloggers are on their own schedule and will likely want compensation for working with you. Editors are busy editing other stories.

Get your pitch structure right

Don’t bombard reporters with an essay. Highlight your main ideas with two or three bullet points and include more information below. If your pitch tickles their interest, they’ll definitely be coming back for more.


Send a press release the day of the event

Some reporters won’t even look at a press release if it is sent the day of an event. Send it to them at least a few days in advance. If you want extra points, send reporters a schedule of your upcoming releases for that month.

Sleep on breaking news

Finance moves fast. Make sure you’re ready with commentary as quick as five minutes after an event happens. If you can offer commentary or an interview along with your initial pitch, that’s also helpful.

Say the same thing

A spokesperson stands out when they have an opposing or different viewpoint from what others are saying. If you want a reporter’s attention, don’t say the same thing as everyone else.