Cognito’s London Summer Party

July 22, 2015

Last week we welcomed friends of Cognito to Vista bar at the top of the Trafalgar Hotel, to enjoy an evening of great food, views and conversation for Cognito’s London summer drinks reception. Wednesday morning dawned cloudier than hoped, but luckily we had the sun on order and it appeared just in time for our arrival – giving our guests a warm evening with some spectacular views, from Trafalgar Square across to Westminster.

We were welcomed with delicious – and topical – cocktails. The ‘“Grexit”stential Punch’ – One Tsip(ras) and you’re bound to come back for more – was a popular choice. ‘Angela’s Apple Sparklers’, a supposed favourite of the German Chancellor, also went down well.  

To end the evening on a tasteful note, guests left with a special box of “Cognitea” to provide a boost for the following morning back in the office. The most popular blend was the Bill Gross leaf, ‘this established minty fresh blend is anything but gross’, while our friends over at CityAM preferred the Merkel, ‘Packing a prickly punch, a delicate yet intense leaf’.

A huge thank you to all of our guests – clients, journalists, and friends of Cognito – for joining us. We loved the opportunity to catch up and hear your news.

We’ve had great fun looking through the many fantastic photos from the evening, and have selected a few of our favourites for you to enjoy below!